When you have 100+ recommendations for a breakfast spot, it’s a given that you’ll eat there for your one and only breakfast in the city. I somehow managed to roll out of bed at 3:00 a.m. yesterday, got in my car, and drove from South Lake Tahoe alllll the way to San Francisco. I hadn’t been there in a year and, after sifting through a lot of mediocre food in Tahoe (sadly) I was dying for some fresh and innovative eats.
Mama’s is rumored to have incredibly long waits- often 2-3 hours! I arrived at about 8:00 a.m. and waited for 30-40 minutes. Loved the ambiance of this adorable restaurant from the get go. The chef’s station is front and center as you walk in, making your mouth water while you witness a variety of dishes being prepared (as if the smell wasn’t enough).
Although I didn’t order the eggs benny (trying to branch out, thank you very much) I DID snag a pic of a neighboring diner’s plate. Good gravy I was *this* close to asking her for a bite.
The chef’s recommendation: french toast special. Made with banana, walnut, and cranberry bread. Tasted just as beautiful as it looks. I loved this change up from the classic rendition. Sold on the SF craze for Mama’s and can’t wait to visit again. Definitely wouldn’t wait for 3 hours. But for 30 minutes? Absolutely.
Mama’s (1701 Stockton Street, San Francisco // 415.362.6421)